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Recent Ponderings
Walking to Valhalla

Walking to Valhalla

For some reason I had to climb that hill and gaze down upon this mystical valley. This would be my reward for a day of relentless hiking…

My Recent Hip Replacement, and Other Frightful Tales

My Recent Hip Replacement, and Other Frightful Tales

The X-rays didn't look good. In fact they made me cringe. My right hip ball and socket were scraping bone on bone. No wonder I was experiencing pain and walking like Grandpa McCoy. My surgeon, Dr. Bill “Spider” Webb, suggested that I needed Total Hip Replacement......

Norah Jones as Medicine

Norah Jones as Medicine

Suddenly, the air was saturated with this young woman’s warm, angelic voice, whispering like a soft breeze blowing through the willows…

Sleepwalking in Paradise

Sleepwalking in Paradise

The place was like a sensuous woman seducing me with her many charms; and I had fallen hopelessly in love with her, and ready to let the ship sail without me…

The Childhood of a Prince

The Childhood of a Prince

As a child, I spent my younger years in a fantasy world where I would close my eyes and dream my own reality. I had two imaginary friends: Georgie and Mine-Mine. Mother even set an extra place setting at the table, but for just one of them at a time…